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The Switch component lets you toggle the state of a single setting on or off.

Switches can be used on either desktop or mobile but it has been the preferred way for toggling settings in the latter. To make the switch accessible, you should ensure the corresponding label reflects the current state of the switch.


import SwitchUnstyled from '@mui/base/SwitchUnstyled';

The SwitchUnstyled component provides default components and assigns CSS classes you can style entirely on your own. You are free to choose any styling solution - plain CSS classes, a CSS framework, Emotion, etc. It is also possible to replace these default components by other HTML elements or custom components.

There are three components you can override by the components prop: Root, Thumb and Input. Each one's props can be set using the componentsProps object.

<SwitchUnstyled component={Root} {...label} defaultChecked />
<SwitchUnstyled component={Root} {...label} />
<SwitchUnstyled component={Root} {...label} defaultChecked disabled />
<SwitchUnstyled component={Root} {...label} disabled />


For the ultimate customizability, a useSwitch hook is available. It accepts almost the same options as the SwitchUnstyled component minus the component, components, and componentsProps props.

import { useSwitch } from '@mui/base/SwitchUnstyled';

Basic example

<BasicSwitch defaultChecked />
<BasicSwitch />
<BasicSwitch defaultChecked disabled />
<BasicSwitch disabled />

Customized look and feel

<MUISwitch defaultChecked />